Brother CM 1000 and EM 530 User Manual

Brother CM 1000 and EM 530 User Manual
Typewriter with Dictionary – EM 530
A compact but truly professional office typewriter designed to thrive on a busy workload. Offering many of the features found on heavier duty machines. Now writing good looking documents, correcting and printing are all quick and simple with the Brother EM-530, making it ideal for the general office.
Quality presentation is always important with the range of auto features ie. Underlining, Bold, Centering etc, all your documents can look their best.
Type with confidence. This easy to use electronic keyboard is the most technologically advanced in its class. Its extensive typing capabilities plus automatic features, functions and conveniences will enable you to turn out your documents more quickly and accurately.
Automatic carriage return
Automatic paper insertion
Standard, international and symbol keyboard selections
Variable Hot Zone
Auto repeat for all characters and functions
5 line format memories
Backspace and express backspace
Micro 1/120″ backspacing
Forward and reverse indexing
Micro forward and reverse indexing
Line start/end setting
30 tab positions
Automatic tab set and clear key
Self-demo automatically demonstrates all the features and functions
Paper supporter
Multi-lingual keyboard selector