HP Plotter Printer Repair at Kensington Office Machines

HP Plotter Printer Repair Services at Kensington Office Machines
Five (5) Reasons Why You Should Use Kensington Office Machines:
1. Friendly Associates and technicians
2. Great Competitive Pricing
3. Fast Response Time
4. Annual Maintenance Contract (Federal, State, Local, Businesses and Consumers)
5. Experienced Engineers and Technicians
Our experienced HP plotter service engineers are within an hour’s travel of most locations throughout Washington D.C Metro. Our engineers and technicians are all HP Designjet trained and will visit your site with spare parts based on the issue with your copier; our main objective is to get your equipment up and running quickly, with less down-time.
When you ask for a repair estimate we’ll give you the service costs ‘up front’, – so there are no nasty hidden surprises. Not only can we service and repair your printer, we can help relocate this unit due to office moves, unpack and install new Designjets, offer basic user training and teach you how best to use the plotter and carry out basic maintenance to ensure trouble-free operation and reduced breakdowns. You can expect your Designjet to be fully serviced/cleaned/inspected and re-calibrated with every service repair visit.
When your HP printer needs repairing, lots of questions pop into your mind. Who can repair it? Are they local? How much will it cost? How quickly can it be repaired? What guarantees will I get? What about maintenance packages? Will it be cheaper to repair or replace it? We aim to answer all these questions for you, right at the start.
Simply tell us your HP printer model and where it’s located and we’ll provide you with our estimated prices based on the Model and service issues. Kensington Office Machines holds major Government contracts, and has been servicing clients for decades.
HP Plotter Printer Repair in Maryland – HP PLotter Repair in Washington DC- HP Plotter Repair in Virginia. Call us at 301-946-0800 or Request your service online at www.Kensingtonofficemachines.net
Email us at cs.kensingtonofficemachines.net